A decade about to end and a new decade about to begin.

Here are the things I want for myself in year 2020.

  1. To write more content
    KefLah has been a ground for me to share information and ideas that suddenly pops out from my head. I wish to write more next year.
  2. Make saving money as a hobby
    I weren’t a good investor and nor I save up huge sum of money in my 20s. I just started serious with my finance at the age 27 when I hit rock bottom when my business start to fall down. Now at my 30s, when I see people save money as their hobby, it inspired me to be one of them.
  3. Make a better financial decision
    I have made a better decision over the past years. But it is not as good as I wish it to be. I still took loans and 0% instalment. So it hurt my monthly savings by a long shot. I need to cut off buying food from food delivery services and lowering my lifestyles.
  4. Clearing up debts
    I thought I was close to clearing out my debt, but because of the house I just VP-ed not too long ago, I am now still in debt (still under control). All debts should end this year. But I plan to clearing out before reaching the end of the tenure.
  5. Better job opportunities / Increase my income
    The 9-6 job IRL income is great. But to an extent of which I won’t be worrying about money, it is not that great. The only solution is to find a better opportunities and figure out how to increase my income. Once I figure out, number 4, 2 is very much achievable.
  6. Fully furnish my entire house
    I did mentioned about cut my expenses and start saving money, right? This section for me is quite important. You buy a house for own stay and you want to make it liveable.

Here are the things I hope the best for the rest

  1. Improve currency
    MYR currency has dipped a lot over the year. I hope we can see an improvement next year. I have been dealing with a lot of oversea transaction, it hurts seeing how much I need to pay because to the weakening ringgit.
  2. Improve politic stability
    A stability of a country’s politic is detrimental for the economy. Investor now are worried and couldn’t decide whether to invest in Malaysia or not. I also hope to see a new leader (and a younger one) replacing our current Prime Minister.
  3. Improve economy
    I would like to see better GDP growth and lower inflation rate next year. Let’s hope the government do something to attract investors and increases in job opportunities in Malaysia.

Featured image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


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